Exhibit 1351.

[Original in Spanish. L.S. P.I.R., 891.13.]

JUNE 12, 1901.

Seņor GOVERNOR: On account of the present state of affairs, and in compliance with the orders and circulars of the superior government of that province, this local presidency held a meeting to-day which was attended by the delegates, heads of banios, wealthy residents and other private individuals to decide upon the burning of their own houses in order that in this manner the Americans could be prevented from taking possession of them. The Americans entered the town of Catarman the first instant, at three p.m. Upon the conclusion of the meeting, and without loss of time the morning of the following day, each owner set fire to his house, including the municipal house and the hamlets of Maquivalo and Bugco of this district, situated nearest the sea.

I must inform you that since that date up to the present time, they have not as yet passed through this town and as soon as said enemy arrives, I shall inform that respected government thereof.

This local headquarters moved to the hamlet (visita) of Nenita in this district.

God preserve you many years.

MONDRAGON, June 12, 1901.

Local Chief.

Stamp: Office of the Local Presidente of Mondragon.

To the General and Politico Military Governor of this province.

In the margin: Secretary. Commend the conduct of the residents of the town of Mondragon. June 15, 1901.

(Signed) V. LUKBAN.