Exhibit 1335.

[Original in Spanish. L.S. P.I.R., 1144 2.]

SEPTEMBER 8, 1900.

First Lieutenant MARCOS ESPIŅAS,
Commanding the detachment of Laoang.

I have received news from Catbalogan, brought by Seņor Antonio Muņoz from abroad and from Manila, to the effect that on the 14th instant the steamer "Uranus" will come to take away the American forces operating in this province; and if this news is true, as soon as the town of Laoang is evacuated by the enemy, you will take command, assuming the civil authority, because you are the Commander of that post; taking the proper precautions for a good government, strictly prohibiting the killing of Americanistas or persons suspected of being such, as such acts would be vandalism and against our principles. But this news may be fictitious and only a strategem on the part of our enemies to ascertain the extent of our forces and arms. In such case you will not move the detachment and will order that all our forces be concentrated in the present place which you hold, placing a sergeant in whom you have confldence, and who is very cautious, in command of said detachment, and you with a corporal and four soldiers [will wait] at the post of Laoang evacuated by the enemy, as I have stated above until further orders from me; this, however, not to interfere with your continuing the operations.

When you regain possession of the post of Laoang, if it is true that the enemy is going to evacuate it, you will not permit any Americanistas to leave the town and you will issue strict orders that they be not molested under your strictest liability.

MATUGUINAO, September 8, 1900.

(Signed) LUKBAN, General.

(Seal of Headquarters)