Exhibit 1313.

[Original in Spanish. D.S. P.I.R., 77.3 ]

NOVEMBER 27, 1898.

I, Melecio Severino y Yorac, Secretary of the Federal Republican Government of the Canton of the Island of Negros.

Certify: That at the meeting held by the Revolutionary Government of the Island of Negros on the 27th instant, among other resolutions the following was passed:

That in view of the reasons set forth by the Delegate of War for this Island, that after having secured its liberty and independence, as it has, by a brilliant coup d'armes, it should secure also an honorable place in the concert of civilized nations, he proposes: that said Island be hereafter governed by the men of prestige of this country who are acquainted with its necessities and are in accord with its great ideals; and therefore, he is of opinion that the best government to attain this beautiful aspiration of the Island, which is also that of the entire Filipino people, is a Federal Republic.

And the President and the Delegates of Government, of Justice, of the Treasury, of Fomento and of Agriculture and Commerce, entertaining the same ideas and being of the opinion, the motion made was approved, and it was thereupon resolved that this Island should be governed by a Federal Republican Government under the name of Canton, consisting of the western and eastern provinces in the great Philippine Republic.

Two certified copies have been made of the preceding resolution, one for transmission to the Revolutionary Government of Iloilo and for the other for the Malolos Republic in Manila.

BACOLOD, November 28, 1898.