Exhibit 1228.

[Original in Tagalog and Spanish. L. S. P. I. R., 311.3.]

KALIVO, February 15th, 1899.


As I do not know whether or not the report of our General Ananias Diocno in regard to the occurrences in Iloilo, has reached your hands, I endeavored to send you this in order that you may be informed of the

communication sent to the Local Presidentes by the Politico-Military Governor, Graciano Punzalan, a copy of which is as follows;

"I have the honor to inform you that I have under this date received a very urgent communication from the General and Commander-in-chief, has under this date, received a communication from General Miller, informing him that if he should not surrender this place to-morrow, the bombardment of the same would begin, in view of the fact that hostilities have broken out in Manila. Of which I inform you for your knowledge and in order that, upon the receipt of this communication, you may take the utmost precautions not to permit any landing of the foreign forces on the shore of that province and that, at the same time, you may suspend the sailing for this city of the S. S. Maria.

"Iloilo, February 10, 1899.-Ananias Diocno.-Of which I inform you for your knowledge and exact compliance. God guard you many years. Kapiz, February 13, 1899. Graciano Punzalan."

God guard you many years.

KALIVO, February 15, 1899.

(Signed) Pfo V. OROSO,
Acting Military Chief of the District of Aclan.

When this was sealed, I received news to the effect that our enemies, the Americans, had already entered the towns of Iloilo, Jaro and Molo and that all the houses in said towns have been converted into ashes. According to rumors, our General, Ananias Diocno is at the barrio of Santa Barbara. The ones who set fire to the houses are the expenditionaries.

[NOTE.-This is the name applied to the troops sent by Aguinaldo from Luzon.-TRANSLATOR.]