Exhibit 1219.

[Original in Spanish, L.S. P.I.R., 52.3.]

MALOLOS, January 19, 1899.

(Letter head) "Council of Government, Philippine Islands."

The President of the Council of State, and the General-in Chief of the Army of Operations in Iloilo, in their communications, dated 29th of December last and 8th and 9th instant, give an account to the President of the Government of the events which have occurred in that locality, which in brief are as follows:

The Spanish Army having been besieged by our troops in the positions which they held in Molo and Iloilo and being threatened by a decisive attack, General Rios had to open negotiations with the revolutionaries, the outcome of which was the evacuation of these garrisons by the Spanish troops and the consequent occupation thereof by ours, on the 24th and 26th of the month of December. The order and prudence with which our troops effected the entrance into the city are worthy of admiration, in· asmuch as not a single assault or aggression on the persons or property of the vanquished has been recorded.

On the 28th of the same month the American war-ships appeared in the bay; a commission of field and line officers of the Staff landed and appeared before the Government, requesting, by order of General Otis, the delivery of the port and the city, to which they were answered that, as the latter government was dependent on the one in Luzon, it could not accede to their request without an express order from our Honorable President. The American Commander, in view of such a reply, notified them that on the following day, at 12 o'clock, he would land his forces at all hazards. To which the Government of Iloilo answered him, that it still insisted, with the concurrence of the people, the army and the council, on its first reply, and that it would not permit outside interference in its step without an express order from the Central Government of Luzon. The following day and the hour fixed arrived, but the American did not carry out his threat, but, changing his system he tried to convince them, by means of persuasion, of the right attaching to the United States to take possession of these islands, and of their obligation to obey the authorities of the former nation. The Government of Iloilo made a reply in the same terms as at first.

It is further stated, in the communications referred to, that it was agreed to reorganize the latter government, which constituted itself into a Federal State, with its corresponding Council, and with following personnel: President of the Council of State: Seņor Roque Lopez; Vice President: Seņor Vicente Franco; Councillors for Iloilo; Seņores Jovito Yusay, Ramon Avanceņa, Julio Hernandez, and Magdaleno Jovellano; Ex officio members of the Army: Seņores Martin Delgado and Pablo Araneta; Councillor for Cebu: Seņor Fernando Salas; Councillors for Occidental Negros: Seņores Agustin Montilla and Juan de Leon; Councillor for Oriental Negros: Seņor Juan Carballo; Councillor for Antique; Seņor Vicente Gella; Councillor for Capiz: Seņor Venancio Concepcion; Councillor for the District of La Concepcion: Seņor Numenario Villalobos; General Secretary for the Council of State: Seņor Francisco Villanueva; Vice Secretary; Seņor Florencio Tarrosa, and that the rest of the Visaya provinces could not have, for the present, representation in the Council because they are without means of communication.

From Bacolod they also communicate that the Federal Republic has been proclaimed in the Island of Negros, constituted into a Canton or State composed of the two provinces: Oriental and Occidental.

All of which I have the honor to communicate to you for your information and the proper purposes.

God preserve you many years.

MALOLOS, January 19, 1899.

(Signed) Ap. MABINI.