Exhibit 1201.

[Original in Spanish. D.S. P.I.R., Books C. 6 ]

JARO [PANAY], December 14th, 1898.


In the Office of the President, in the town of Jaro on the date above mentioned, in response to a verbal call (a written call not being possible for want of time), appeared the members of the Federal State of the Visayan Islands and ex officio members as set forth on the margin. Sr. Roque Lopez took the chair and called the meeting to order at 7 o'clock p. m. The minutes of the former meeting held on the 12th inst. were read and approved by the members of the Revolutionary Regional Provisional Government present. The President then requested Sr. Villanueva to state how he had discharged his mission before the Government of Malolos. Sr. Villanueva was given the floor and gave a detailed account of his conduct from the time of the organization of the Revolutionary Committee until his return and appearanCe before this Council. His statement being too extensive to enter in these minutes, it is hereto attached as an exhibit. [Not found.-Translator.]

The President then stated the necessity of creating Committees from among the members of the Council for the better discharge of the business of the Council of State, and that to this end it would be advisable to appoint two members to each branch to make the work less heavy, and so that one could take the place of the other in case of absence.

The Vice President, Sr. Franco, answered that a mixed or accompanying Committee was admissible only in such branches of the service as demanded the assistance of two persons, since, on the contrary case, it might only interfere with liberty of action.

After considerable deliberation, and for the purpose of harmonizing the two extremes, the fonowing resolutions were passed unanimously:

1. To appoint the Vice President, Sr. Franco, a Commissioner of Government; Sr. Avanceņa, a Commissioner of State (politica); Srs. Concepcion, Montilla and Javellana, Commissioners of Revenues, this Committee to take charge of the General Treasury; Srs. Hernandez and Araneta, Commissioners of War; and Sr. Yusay as Commissioner of Grace and Justice.

2. To appoint Srs. Franco, Avanceņa, Leon and Yusay as a committee to draw up the interior organization of the Council of State of this the Region of the Visayan Islands.

3. To appprove the appointment made by the then Revolutionary Regional Provisional Government of Sr. Martin Delgado as General-in-Chief of the Revolutionary Forces of this Province; and to appoint at the same time Sr. Pablo Araneta as Commanding General of the Expeditionary Forces in the Visayan Islands in recognition of his valuable services to the cause.

4. This Council hereby approves the appointments made by the former Regional Government of certain persons who, thro' their ardent patriotism and innumerable sacrifices, were worthy of the same due to their important services to the Revolutionary cause; nevertheless this Council shall observe the future conduct of the same in carrying on the Revolution.

5. To appoint Sr. Simeon Rodriguez a Commissioner to take possession, together with the Officials that shall accompany him, of the Island of Culion and adjacent islands, and of Paragua, in which operation he shall be assisted by the Lieutenant of the Tercio Civil of that district, Sr. Hermenegildo Kuison.

6. That to-morrow morning at 8 o'clock the Generals, Chiefs and Officials of the Liberating Army shall take the oath of loyalty to the Banner.

7. That the constitution of the Council of this Federal State be immediately made known to the Honorable Emilio Aguinaldo, President of the Revolutionary Government of the Philippine Islands.

8th and last article: That these Resolutions of the Constitution be also communicated to the other Provinces of the Visayan Islands.

There being no further business before the meeting, the session was closed and these minutes were signed by all present; to which I, the secretary, certify.

(Signed) R. LOPEZ,

Vice Prcsident.

(And 12 others.)