Lieut. Col. Albert Bayless has written the following letter from the Philippines to a friend in the city:

It is my belief that every enlisted man and officer of the First Tennessee Infantry, United States Volunteers, is carrying out his contract with Uncle Sam to the best of his ability. It has been the policy of our regiment not to blow our own horn, as it were, but to ask our friends to await the publication of the official report and this will show not only to their friends in Tennessee and elsewhere, but to our enemies, that in the capture of Iloilo the First Tennessee did most excellent service. Believing that you are as much, if not more, interested in the doings of our regiment as any citizen of our State, I will give you a true and unprejudiced account of the taking of Iloilo, and that you may understand the situation better, I have made a sketch of the city, which I enclose, also some pictures taken by myself.

"Saturday morning, Feb. 11, 1899, at 9:15 a. m., I was standing on the upper deck of the steamship St. Paul, talking with several officers about the situation, and at the same time looking towards the fort that had to be captured before we could land. I was very much surprised to see a cloud of smoke, followed in a second by a very loud report from the Petrel, and in about a minute's time the Boston, which was lying about a half mile from our steamer, jointed the Petrel in the bombardment of the city. It was a grand sight, and I never will forget the picture as long as I live. We were anchored some distance from the Boston, and when she discharged her large guns it seemed to shake the very sea around us. Immediately after the bombardment I noticed a large building (17) on fire, and in less time than it takes to tell it building after building was being consumed by the angry flames, until over 50 per cent. were destroyed, and these included the finest buildings in the city; in fact, there now remains standing only about two dozen buildings of any value. The navy landed about twenty sailors, who went into the now deserted fort and after pulling down the insurgent flag unfurled the Stars and Stripes to the breezes.

Col. Childers being on the Newport, with Gen. Miller, I was in command of the regiment, and, in obedience to orders, signaled from the Newport, had the small boats lowered and the men ready to land as soon as permission was granted. At last orders came to land, Col. Childers in the meantime having taken command of the regiment and designated my battalion to go first. We left the St. Paul at 10:30 a. m., and at 10:45 a. m., by the watch, our first boat landed Col. Childers, Adjt. Polk, Capt. Gillem, Lieut. Milam, the Colonel's orderlies, Sergt. Weimer and sixteen of F company's men and myself (18). Gen. Miller and staff landed from a steam launch near the same place a few minutes after. In a remarkably short time the entire First Battalion, followed by the Second Battalion, were on shore; Maj. McGuire and the Eighteenth Infantry were fighting hard for third place.

From our landing place we proceeded through Calle de Rosario to the Plaza (19). At this point we drove two or three stragglers before us. We then crossed Calle de Progresso to Calle Ortiz, passing between two large buildings (20 and 21) to the custom-house (9). Here we were checked by heavy fire from the insurgents, who were located in lighters and small sailing vessels; also behind a large pile of coal (22) and in trenches just across the river to the right. I received orders to run them out and take possession of the town and save as many buildings as possible from being burned. Having placed Company C, Capt. Richmond, at mouth of Iloilo River (23), with instructions to allow no vessels to leave the river, and also prevent the insurgents from using their artillery which was located about 100 yards on opposite bank from them (24), I therefore had only three companies with me. These were placed along the Muella, extending from Calle de Alded along the river bank to the extreme east point of the city (25). These companies were subjected to a hot fire from the insurgents, who were in the trenches before described; also in a strong blockhouse (26), and at the same time the men had to fight the fire that was rapidly destroying the town. I am glad to say that this part of the town only remained standing just as it was before the bombardment, with the exception that many of its buildings were scorched some.

The Second Battalion followed the First to the custom-house, then via Calle Ortiz and Calle de Robles and the beach, proceeded to a point the other side of Calzada de Cral Valeriano Weyler. At this point Maj. Cheatham, finding it impossible to proceed further in that direction on account of burning buildings, returned down the beach to Calle de Recreo, then to the custom-house, afterward sending Company L along the river band to the Molo bridge

(28), two companies via Calle Real and Calle de Yznart and the Molo road to the same place. He, himself, with Company B, left the Calle Yznart at the intersection of Calle de la Concepcion and crossed over the rice fields to the Carcel (11), which place is now the headquarters of our regiment.

The Third Battalion, under Maj. McGuire, were formed at the custom-house, and proceeded by Calle Ortiz and Calle de Robles, and by wading in water up to their waists, to the beach to the cemetery (13-14), thence across the country to Molo bridge. These were the first American troops to reach this point, and at this place had quite a scrap with the retreating insurgents.

Two companies of the Eighteenth Infantry left the custom-house and with Gen. Miller were the first to reach Case Real (1) and Jaro Bridge (27). Leaving a platoon to guard this bridge, they then proceeded up the Molo road to the Molo bridge, and were in time to participate in the fight with the Third Battalion at this point.

The provisional machine gun battery of the Sixth United States Artillery landed with the Eighteenth Infantry, and from the Muella reached the enemy, who were out of range of the Springfield and Krag-Jorgensons; then proceeded and took position where they could command the Molo and Jaro bridges. At this place they were joined by the light battery of the same battalion under Capt. Bridgman about 8 o'clock that night.

At 7 o'clock in the evening I received orders to send two companies to the front, and in obedience to same relieved companies C and E, gave them instructions to report to Col. Childers, who in turn placed them on outpost duty on the Tennessee lines, which extended between the cemetery and the Molo bridge. This left me only two companies, A and F, to patrol and guard the city, and at the same time extinguish burning buildings. You can imagine how very much delighted I was when in going my rounds I had reached Yglessa, when I saw Maj. Paul with five companies of the Eighteenth Infantry, who had just landed. He ranking me and having instructions to remain in the town at night, I reported and gave him all the information I possibly could.

It is useless to say that there were very few of the men that slept any at all that night.

Since the taking of Iloilo our regiment or detachments of the regiment have taken part in all battles or skirmishes that have taken place here, and if you are not too weary, I will give you a short account of what has happened since Feb. 11.

On the morning of Feb. 25 four of our companies marched to Mandurriao, which is located between Molo and Jaro, not in a direct line between these two cities, but some distance further into the interior. While the command was resting Lieut. Milam was sent in charge of a scouting party, and in about an hour one of the scouts returned and reported that the enemy had been located about one and a half miles out. Two companies were sent up the road and two made a direct attack on the insurgents, who were found to be occupying three lines of trenches. Without going into details, the insurgents were driven out of their strongholds with many casualties in their own ranks, while our troops suffered none whatever. While, in this case, as in every battle our regiment had been in each and every officer and man did his part well, however, the circumstances in this particular battle were more favorable for Capt. Hager (Company E) and his company and Lieut. Milam and his scouts from Company C, to do most of the work.

Shortly afterwards we returned to Mandurriao, remaining there until after noon, when we returned to our barracks via Jaro.

On March 16 the battle of Jaro River was fought, principally by Maj. Keller's battalion. However, two other companies of the Eighteenth, as well as B, C, L and M of our regiment, partcipated. Our battalion was first intended as a reserve to the Eighteenth, but, as luck would have it, the insurgents were somewhat loath to retire. Therefore, Gen. Miller ordered our battalion into the firing line, and as usual, they behaved only as you would have them. Only two of our men were scratched, and these did not even go on sick report the next morning. Some had their gun stocks shattered. One man in Company C had his hair parted "Sam Jones" style by a Mauser bullet, it passing through his hat exactly in the center. One of the Colonel's orderlies, after examining this hat for a few minutes, remarked that if that was his hat in thirty days he would be Chaplain of the regiment, so you can see, this fight made a Christian out of one of the Tennesseans. Of course, there are a great many amusing incidents that happen from

time to time, but I will wait until I once more reach the Garden of Eden in God's country, when I will proceed to tell you all about it.

I would mention the battle of La Paz, if I were not afraid of my life, and I would suggest that when the First Tennessee comes marching home that you be very careful as to whom you speak with when you mention even the word "La Paz."

On April 1 we had quite an excursion to Oton, which is up the beach about eight or nine miles from Iloilo. Three companies, under Cheatham, were placed aboard tugs and sent to a point one and a half miles above Oton, while I, with three companies, accompanied by Capt. Bridgman and a platoon of artillery, went overland. I have no hesitancy in stating that the plans mapped out by Col. Childers were most admirably executed, Cheatham and myself connecting at the exact time appointed, and swooped down upon the town of Jaro, to the utter dismay of the inhabitants. However, the insurgent army had vacated the day before. The trip, although unsuccessful in its main reasons, was successful, as we captured telegrams, letters, documents, maps, etc., which afterwards proved beneficial to the commanding General of this district. We returned to our barracks, tired and dusty, in time for dinner.

On April 17 I went to Manila on board the Petrel, which was convoying thirteen gunboats bought from Spain, was most royally treated by all the officers and enjoyed the trip immensely. It has always been my desire to be aboard a man-of-war in time of action, and my desire came very near being gratified, and in a manner it was, for the reason that one of these Spanish gunboats - which, by the way, were named by the insurgents - tried to give us the shake and started off at full speed in the opposite direction. No sooner had the Quartermaster reported this fact to the officer of the deck when call to quarters was sounded, and in a short time the 6-pounder soon brought the runaway alongside our boat.

While in Manila I, of course, saw a great many of my newly made friends, and also had the pleasure of going over the battlefields of Luzon. While in Gen. Otis' headquarters I learned of a proposed advance of our troops, and so secured permission to go out to the lines, and by so doing was fortunate enough to be in the fight of Sunday and Monday following. Col. Stotsenberg's death was very sad. I had been with him some time, and had, at his request, gone to the right of the line for the purpose of giving some directions only about five minutes before he was killed. He was a very fine soldier and had a good regiment.

In Iloilo at the present time we are only holding our lines, making no advances whatever, as such are our orders. The work is not as hard as the active campaigning would be, especially in this country at this season of the year, but at the same time it is very tiresome and irksome to do nothing, as we are anxious to get out and have a good rabbit hunt.

Gen. Smith, who was, as you know, Colonel of the noted California regiment, is now in command of the Visayan military district. His headquarters are at Bacolod, Island of Negros, but he comes over once a week, and has promised us that we shall go out after the insurgents - it may be on his next trip over.

Many of our men will remain in the Philippine Islands when the regiment is ordered home, the Government offering great inducements for men to remain here, and especially if they re-enlist, and for a young man that has no special ties at home the opportunity for success will be good, especially in Iloilo. Very truly,

A. B. Bayless